Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On Meeting New People

So last time I mentioned that I had started making new friends. There's the girl next door, Sarah Q. Sarah's sister Christine, and her brother Sean. And then Sarah F. and other people that I met at a party that I crashed with Reece. New friends are nice, but I still prefer my old ones lol. But One of the  people I met is absolutely amazing. Loves travel and adventure, and books and music, and is a family oriented person at heart. And there are a million other things that just floor me. His name is ...going to remain a secret. So I'm just going to refer to him as M.

I've only known him for 10 days. We talk every day, texting or facebook, or the night we actually hung out, walking and talking for over 3 hours. He makes me think. He makes me feel interesting, where I've mostly felt like I've been boring people, even my best friends. And I haven't even mentioned how pretty he is. 

I haven't told anybody this, not even Reece (although she'll know as soon as I post this lol). When M. and I met at that party, we made eye contact, and I experienced deja vu. This is not the first time it's happened to me, but it's definitely the first time a person has ever triggered it. And maybe it means something. And maybe it's nothing. But it's certainly interesting.

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