Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Big Move

In the last month (give or take) where I have not been keeping up with my blogging (sorry) I have made some huge changes in my life.

1) I transferred from Mott Community College to Eastern Michigan University. I will spend approximately the same amount of time in school, and I will have a bachelor's degree instead of an associate's degree with a crazy waiting period. It will allow me to keep my health insurance, which will in turn allow me to have a bariatric procedure done in the summer. I'm very excited about the whole thing.

2) I moved in with my parents. As of two weeks ago, I live with them in a suburb of a very large city. I don't care for the location. It is almost 2 hours away from where I really want to be, near my church and friends, and my life. I'm almost unpacked, I have cleaned out a lot of stuff and downsized a bit. It's not so bad, I guess.

3) I got a new job as a nanny. I quit my home health care job, and they were very sad to see me go. My manager told me that if I ever needed anything, to give him a call. It was very sweet. My new job is amazing!!! I'm working with a family with two kids, a 5 year old boy (T) and an 8 year old girl (A). I love it, and those kids brighten up my whole day!!! For example: yesterday at work, I got to pretend to be Darth Vader, and had an epic lightsaber battle that ranged throughout the entire house. Additionally, I started teaching (T) how to play the Star Wars theme on piano. My job rocks!

4) I've started to meet people. And talk to people. And register for classes. Who knows, maybe I'll go on a date next. That would be a huge step.

In conclusion, I'm doing alright.

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