Monday, January 21, 2013

A Proposition

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

            This was not what I expected. Only in my wildest dreams, maybe. I can’t focus today. Couldn’t sleep last night. Too Restless. Too Anxious. Too Excited.

            So the last few days M. has been texting me a lot. I figured he missed my sparkling personality. Yesterday he texted me just to chat. He got a new phone; how school was going; home life. We eventually morphed from texting to IM’ing.

            We talked about loneliness and isolation and insomnia. He simply can’t sleep. I have trouble sleeping alone. I jokingly told him he should get laid – that would help him sleep. He laughed and agreed. And then we just talked about sex. Partners, experiences, risky locations. I asked how long it’s been for him. “About 2 months. You?” “About 2 weeks.” I told him about my one night stand with J., and how he’s ignored me since.

            M. made me two offers: 1) to punch J. in the face. 2) to be my recurring booty call. I laughed and told him I appreciated the offers. We joked about punching J. in the face, and then he said, “I wasn’t kidding about the other offer, you know.” “I know…I’m in.”

            We both had early classes the next day, and so he got offline to attempt to sleep…and was back on less than 10 minutes later. Too keyed up to sleep. And who could blame him? I was certainly too wound up to sleep. So we made plans instead. Who has a sex date on Thursday morning? This girl.

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